Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Is it possible that the greatest enemy to God's men who are called to preach His truth might be the believers they are called to lead? I have often sat and pondered the notion of how to be effective in leading God's people into revival, ministry, change, growth; the same arguments come back to me. They are not ready, or they will not want to do it, or it is too much like work to them. Sometimes the shortcoming of the plan is in me; I'm not willing, they'll get mad at me, I am not qualified. So the philisophical question of the day: is the greatest enemy to ministers today, the people they minister to, our themselves?

1 comment:

  1. I guess the answer would be "Yes," at any given point in time. Depending upon the individual, whether minister or minsteree(?). It all depends on where everyone is on their journey for truth in the Lord. I think the problem is usually we look at a church as a clump instead of taking the time to actually see the individuals that make the package and structure the work in their field of expertise or interest. I think Body Builders may actually help here by getting to know people and their intricate workings and actually begin to draw from the strengths of all of those around us. This could turn us into an incredibly mighty force in our community for the glory of the Lord. How much more exciting can it be?
