Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So far between

My posting has been few and far between. Let me tell you what has happened so far since my last post. The entire world has blacked out, all the surivivors have been caught in some type of alternate reality that ends up being kind of like Purgatory (not the ski resort). People were getting married in real life then instead just got married in fake life, a certain Dr. ran out of crazy diseases to cure so they had to fire the cast then slowly rehire them, another set of Dr.s could not sleep with any more people in their hospital so they added a whole new staff from another hospital to solve the problem, and 3 became the new 2 and a half, thanks to a solid diet of on set donuts and basic lack of a workout regiment; you would think with Charlie Sheen as a role model he could do better with himself. We have seen winners/ losers, great singers and horrible singers who get votes anyways because we can't stand to vote with any form of logic. We saw the death of pop music, the rise of the science thrillers. And we did all this without ever accomplishing a thing in our lives. So basically not much has actually happened since the last time I posted, but hopefully we can change that wit ha little break from the tube and a fresh outlook on relationships.