Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Parenting Today

So how do we then reach Americas youth today? Do we spend time engaging in activity of entertainment value with teens? Do we try and allow them freedoms that they feel they deserve? Do we ignore them and hope they grow out of it? Parents today are struck with a difficult task of molding young men and women into productive useful members of both their home churces and the world. We desire for teenagers to: act like adults, do everything we demand, never complain, & become what we never could. I believe that perhaps we as Christians have demanded the wrong outcome of our youth groups. Parenting today is so difficult because parenting in the past has fallen short of the Biblical model passed down thru the word of God. I therefore do not blame society for the shortcomings of teens, and I don't blame their parents either. I blame us all for not being able to step aside- evaluate the situation in our congregations- and then take the necessary steps to begin the process of recapturing our identities in Christ. This will then pass down to our youth.

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