Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Is it possible that the greatest enemy to God's men who are called to preach His truth might be the believers they are called to lead? I have often sat and pondered the notion of how to be effective in leading God's people into revival, ministry, change, growth; the same arguments come back to me. They are not ready, or they will not want to do it, or it is too much like work to them. Sometimes the shortcoming of the plan is in me; I'm not willing, they'll get mad at me, I am not qualified. So the philisophical question of the day: is the greatest enemy to ministers today, the people they minister to, our themselves?

Monday, August 3, 2009

At a Loss

You ever been at a loss before in a situation? Where you could not see the right way out and then nobody gave you any help, only complained or nagged or gave their opinion on what you had done wrong so far? I have been there, I am sure you have too. Well I hope that we can hold true to the promise of Scripture that He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble, a cleft in the rock, a shelter in the time of storm, He will carry our burdens His yoke is easy and His burden light. The point is, allow your faith to grow & to trust Him in the situation, and He will see you out of it. Good parenting requires good advice, God has the best, so take it from Him.